After an opponent opens, it's often difficult to describe a hand with two long suits. The auction may get too high (or end too soon) for you to show both, or you may not have the strength to safely bid either suit. Consider these problems if RHO opens:
(A) RHO opens 1C or 1D and you hold: KQ964
(B) RHO opens 1H or 1S and you hold: 765
(C) RHO opens 1C or 1S and you hold: 4
With (A), you would overcall 1S and hope to bid hearts later. With (B) and (C), it may be dangerous to bid at all, especially at the 2-level. Both hands have good playing strength, but neither can be described with a standard overcall, which tends to show a one-suited hand with more high-card points.
The Michaels Cuebid and Unusual Notrump are conventions that let you show two suits with one bid. The convention you use depends on which suit the opponent opens and which suits you have.
Over a minor-suit opening, a Michaels Cuebid (1C-2C or 1D-2D) shows both majors.
Over a 1C opening, 2NT shows diamonds and hearts.
Over a 1D opening, 2NT shows clubs and hearts.
In the example hands above,
Hand (A) is perfect for a Michaels
With (B), an Unusual 2NT shows both suits without promising
great high-card strength.
And with (C), your overcall depends on
which suit the opponent opened -- over 1S, you would bid 2S Michaels to
show the other major and a minor; over 1C, you would use the Unusual 2NT
to show the two lower unbid suits.
Some players prefer to make a simple major-suit overcall with hands with intermediate strength (10-15 pts.). They use the Michaels cuebid only for hands that are weak (5-9 pts.) or very strong (good enough to jump to game once partner shows his preference).
In general, though, the best rule is to just use your judgment. Decide if you want to emphasize one suit (usually a major) with a simple overcall, or if you want to bring two suits into the picture immediately with a Michaels Cuebid or Unusual Notrump. For example:
Over a 1D opener, it's probably best to overcall 1H with 8
You could use the Unusual 2NT, but this would force partner to bid at the
3-level, which may be too high.
You can also play that any "unusual" notrump overcall (even if it's not a jump) is the Unusual Notrump. For example, after 1H by LHO-Pass-2H, 2NT by you shows both minors (similarly, 1H-Pass-2H-3H is Michaels, showing spades and a minor).
Notrump overcalls at higher levels also convey this meaning: 1D by LHO-Pass-3D-3NT by you shows clubs and hearts. 1S-Pass-4S-4NT shows both minors. The higher the level, the stronger and more distributional your hand should be for your bid.
Be careful if your high-card strength is outside your suits. With a
hand like K
, your suits are too weak for a 2NT overcall.
Vulnerability should also affect your decision. Since partner is often
forced to bid at the 3-level (sometimes with only 2-card support), a vulnerable
Michaels or Unusual 2NT should promise more playing strength-- AQJ97
The level of your bid depends on your strength and trump support. With a weak-to-intermediate hand, bid at the lowest level available. With a stronger hand, you can jump in one of partner's suits to invite game or jump directly to game.
If RHO makes an intervening bid, you should compete if you have some strength and support for one of partner's suits. Partner is promising 5-5 in his suits, so any 3-card holding is good support.
If you're not vulnerable and you have a weak hand with strong support,
you may want to sacrifice. Suppose LHO opens 1H, partner overcalls 2H (spades
and a minor), and you hold J964
. You know the opponents can make at least 4H, so if you're not vulnerable,
you should sacrifice right away by jumping to 4S. With your long trumps
and singleton (and filler in whatever partner's minor is), a spade contract
should make at least 8 or 9 (and maybe 10) tricks.
The one case where you won't know partner's exact two suits is when he makes a Michaels Cuebid over a 1H or 1S opening (showing the other major and an unspecified minor). Since you know his major, you can bid it if you have 3+-card (or 2-card) support. If you can't support his major but have at least 3-card length in both minors, you'll want to play in his minor suit. To ask partner which minor he holds -- and tell him that's your preferred trump suit -- bid 2NT. Partner will bid his long minor and you can then pass, raise or sacrifice.
© Karen Walker