The 12 Habits of Highly Effective Bidders (January 2009)
In previous articles, we’ve discussed the types of auctions where partner may have extra values that he hasn’t yet been able to show. These are situations where you’ve found the right trump suit but might not find the right level unless you give partner an opportunity to bid again.
A similar problem is an auction
where you know your combined strength but need to investigate further to find
the best strain. One of the simplest searches often comes after opener raises
your major-suit response (1C-1H-2H, for example). To accommodate the hands where
opener has only 3-card support, you offer a choice of games by rebidding 3NT
with a hand such as
Confirming the 4-4 fit is more
difficult when you lack stoppers in both unbid suits. After 1H-1S-2S, you can
ask for more information by rebidding 3D with a hand such as
3D is defined as a help-suit try for a spade game, but a thoughtful partner will recognize that you could hold other types of hands. If opener has made a 3-card raise, he’ll try to tell you more than just whether he wants to play a game or partscore.
If you’re opener in this auction, allow for the possibility that responder may have this problem hand (or others) and that his game-try bid could be the start of a search for 3NT or even a slam. Instead of choosing between 3S and 4S, look for ways to clarify your trump length as well as your overall strength.
How would you help partner with the hands below after this auction?
You Partner
1D 1S
2S 3C
This sequence is forcing to at least 3S, which leaves you room to describe other features of your hand. Here are basic guidelines for choosing your rebid:
Assume partner has high-card values and at least 3-card length in his game-try suit.
If you make any 3-level rebid other than 3S, you deny 4-card support.
New-suit bids at the 3-level – by you or partner – are searches for game, not cuebids for slam.
3D. With a minimum opener
and no help in clubs, you can’t accept the game-try. The auction may eventually
stop in 3S, but you can warn partner on the way that your trump support isn’t
ideal, just in case he has other contracts in mind. If partner rebids 3S over
3D, he’s showing only invitational values and you can pass.
3NT. Partner’s club cards
solve your stopper problem, so if you have enough to accept the invitation, you
can suggest 3NT. This promises heart honors, confirms a 3-card spade raise and
leaves the final decision up to partner.
3H. You could bid 3NT, but
since partner’s 3C didn’t promise great strength, your club shortness could be a
problem. If partner is looking for 3NT, you want him declaring. He’s already
counting on you for diamond cards, so show values in the suit where he’s most
likely to have a stopper problem. If partner retreats to 3S over 3H, you can try
3NT, content that you’ve already identified club weakness. This description may
talk him into choosing the 4-3 spade game if he has only one club stopper.
4H. With most 4-card
raises, there’s no reason to tell partner (and the opponents) about your outside
values. It’s usually best to answer the game-try with a simple value bid of 3S
or 4S. The potential of this particular hand, though, increased dramatically
after partner’s 3C bid. Communicate its “new” playing strength with a 4H
splinter, which shows a singleton, confirms 4-card support and implies good help
in clubs.
You’ve already limited your hand
with 2S, so partner won’t be misled about your high-card strength. If he has a
standard invitation, he’ll stop in 4S. However, if he holds a stronger hand --
♣AJ102 -- your extra help on the way to
game will convince him to try keycard Blackwood and bid your 26-point slam.
Next: Problem hands with “hidden” 4-card majors
© 2009 Karen Walker