#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script will create the monthly Solver's Forum html page from a logfile.
# It will format the text, add the proper state of the bidding box and add the
# comments area.
# Global Variables.
use whereami;
# CreateLog Variables.
our $targetinfile; # CreateLog file name
our $mm; # forum month. 01- 12
our $yy; # forum year 05+
our $AscDate; # forum month in ascii
our $moderator; # moderator name
our $moderemail; # moderator email address
our @problems = (); # data for the six hands
# Start with basic html headers and read the FORM data.
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
my %form = parseform(%form);
# This prints the form data. Only used for testing.
# foreach $key (keys %form) { print "$key=$form{$key}ZZZ \n"; }
# Miscellaneous local variables..
my @alertsigns = ("*", "#", "!", "+", "\$");
my $errcnt = 0;
my $days = 0;
# retrieve the month-year parms so we can open files.
if ( ( !($form{targetmonth}) ) ||
( !($form{targetyear}) ) )
{ errs( "Date parameters missing" ); }
$targetinfile = "../forum/CreateLog/"."$form{targetmonth}"."$form{targetyear}".".txt";
# Open the new hands file and retrieve the data.
open (CREATELOG, "$targetinfile") or errs ("Open error for Read File - $targetinfile Errmsg - $!");
# Get the issue date
($note,$mmyy) = split /:/, ;
chomp ($mmyy);
($mm,$yy) = split /\//, $mmyy;
$AscDate = AsciiMonth($mm);
# Get the moderator and email address:
($note,$moderator) = split /:/, ;
chomp ($moderator);
($note,$moderemail) = split /:/, ;
chomp ($moderemail);
# Finally, get the data for the six problems and then close the file.
$problems[1] = ;
$problems[2] = ;
$problems[3] = ;
$problems[4] = ;
$problems[5] = ;
$problems[6] = ;
# Find the number of days between today and the issue date.
$days = DayCnt($mm, $yy);
if ( $days == 0 )
{ $duedate = "Entries are now closed for this forum."; }
elsif ( $days == 1 )
{ $duedate = "Hurry, this is the last day to enter the forum."; }
{ $duedate = "There are "."$days"." days left to enter the forum"; }
# We now have enough info to output the HTML banners.
HTMLbanners( $AscDate, $yy, $moderator, $moderemail, $duedate);
# Now add the form data. First the hidden data fields.
print "