#!/usr/bin/perl -w ############################################################ # This script will create the monthly Solver's Forum html page from a logfile. # It will format the text, add the proper state of the bidding box and add the # comments area. ############################################################ ######################################################## # Global Variables. ######################################################## use whereami; ######################################################## # CreateLog Variables. ######################################################## our $targetinfile; # CreateLog file name our $mm; # forum month. 01- 12 our $yy; # forum year 05+ our $AscDate; # forum month in ascii our $moderator; # moderator name our $moderemail; # moderator email address our @problems = (); # data for the six hands ############################################################ # Start with basic html headers and read the FORM data. ############################################################ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; HTMLheader(); my %form = parseform(%form); ######################################################## # This prints the form data. Only used for testing. ######################################################## # foreach $key (keys %form) { print "$key=$form{$key}ZZZ
\n"; } ######################################################## # Miscellaneous local variables.. ######################################################## my @alertsigns = ("*", "#", "!", "+", "\$"); my $errcnt = 0; my $days = 0; ######################################################## # retrieve the month-year parms so we can open files. ######################################################## if ( ( !($form{targetmonth}) ) || ( !($form{targetyear}) ) ) { errs( "Date parameters missing" ); } $targetinfile = "../forum/CreateLog/"."$form{targetmonth}"."$form{targetyear}".".txt"; ########################################################### # Open the new hands file and retrieve the data. ########################################################### #GetLog(); open (CREATELOG, "$targetinfile") or errs ("Open error for Read
File - $targetinfile
Errmsg - $!"); ################################# # Get the issue date ################################# ($note,$mmyy) = split /:/, ; chomp ($mmyy); ($mm,$yy) = split /\//, $mmyy; $AscDate = AsciiMonth($mm); ################################## # Get the moderator and email address: ################################## ($note,$moderator) = split /:/, ; chomp ($moderator); ($note,$moderemail) = split /:/, ; chomp ($moderemail); ################################################## # Finally, get the data for the six problems and then close the file. ################################################## $problems[1] = ; $problems[2] = ; $problems[3] = ; $problems[4] = ; $problems[5] = ; $problems[6] = ; close CREATELOG; ############################################### # Find the number of days between today and the issue date. ############################################### $days = DayCnt($mm, $yy); if ( $days == 0 ) { $duedate = "Entries are now closed for this forum."; } elsif ( $days == 1 ) { $duedate = "Hurry, this is the last day to enter the forum."; } else { $duedate = "There are "."$days"." days left to enter the forum"; } ############################################ # We now have enough info to output the HTML banners. ############################################ HTMLbanners( $AscDate, $yy, $moderator, $moderemail, $duedate); ####################################################### # Now add the form data. First the hidden data fields. ####################################################### print "
\n"; print "\n", "\n"; ####################################################### # Create the html for the 6 problems. ####################################################### shift (@problems); foreach $question (@problems) { my @alerts = (); # Initialize variables my $alerts = 0; $lastcall = "00"; $maydouble = "disabled"; $mayredouble = "disabled"; # Split all of the data from the logfile # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- my ($probnum,$scoremeth,$colors,$dealer,$auction,$hand,$thanksto) = (split /:/, $question); # Format the data # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $scoremeth = EditScoreMethod($scoremeth); $colors = EditColors($colors); $dealer = EditDealer($dealer); ######################################################### # The screen from here on consists of a big table with two columns each of # which takes up about half the screen, Inside each column are other # tables, for the hand and comments on the left and bidding and error msgs # on the right. ######################################################### print <

$probnum. $scoremeth, $colors

PROBHEADER ################################################## # Create the bidding table ################################################## print < West    North    East   South DIRECTIONS # Print out the Bidding # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @auction = split /,/, $auction; #################################################### # Add the right number of -- signs at the beginning of the auction #################################################### if ($dealer eq "North") { @auction = ("--", @auction); } elsif ($dealer eq "East") { @auction = ("--", "--", @auction); } elsif ($dealer eq "South") { @auction = ("--", "--", "--", @auction); } # Start creating the bidding grid # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $countto4 = 1; # A counter for where we are between West and South foreach $call (@auction) { if ($call =~ /P$/) {$call = "Pass";} # Change P to Pass if ($call =~ /\(/) { ############################################### # There is an alert on this bid. There may be a trailing blank # on the bid. ############################################### my ($alert, $ZZZ); ($call, $alert) = split /\(/, $call; ($call, $ZZZ) = split / /, $call; $call .= $alertsigns[$alerts]; ($alert, $ZZZ) = split /\)/, $alert; $ZZZ= $alertsigns[$alerts]; $ZZZ .= "  "; $ZZZ .= $alert; push (@alerts, $ZZZ); $alerts++; } $sub3 = substr ($call, 0, 3); $sub4 = substr ($call, 0, 4); if ($countto4 == 1) # West { print <$call$alertsign WESTTOBID unless ( ($sub4 eq "Pass") || ($call eq "--") ) { if ( $sub3 eq "DBL") {$maydouble = "disabled"; $mayredouble = ""; } elsif ( $sub4 eq "RDBL") {$maydouble = "disabled"; $mayredouble = "disabled"; } else {$lastcall = $call; $maydouble = ""; $mayredouble = "disabled"; } } $countto4++; } elsif ($countto4 == 2) # North { print <$call$alertsign NORTHTOBID unless ( ( $sub4 eq "Pass") || ($call eq "--") ) { if ( ( $sub3 eq "DBL") || ( $sub4 eq "RDBL") ) {$maydouble = "disabled"; $mayredouble = "disabled"; } else {$lastcall = $call; $maydouble = "disabled"; $mayredouble = "disabled"; } } $countto4++; } elsif ($countto4 == 3) # East { print <$call$alertsign EASTTOBID unless ( ( $sub4 eq "Pass") || ($call eq "--") ) { if ( $sub3 eq "DBL") {$maydouble = "disabled"; $mayredouble = ""; } elsif ( $sub4 eq "RDBL") {$maydouble = "disabled"; $mayredouble = "disabled"; } else {$lastcall = $call; $maydouble = ""; $mayredouble = "disabled"; } } $countto4++; } elsif ($countto4 == 4) # South { print <$call$alertsign SOUTHTOBID unless ( ($sub4 eq "Pass") || ($call eq "--") ) { if ( ( $sub3 eq "DBL") || ( $sub4 eq "RDBL") ) {$maydouble = "disabled"; $mayredouble = "disabled"; } else {$lastcall = $call; $maydouble = "disabled"; $mayredouble = "disabled"; } } $countto4 = 1; # Reset the counter } } ################################################### # Always add a question mark in the last cell. ################################################### print "?\n"; print "\n"; ################################################### # Add the list of alerts at the bottom of the bids. ################################################### ShowAlerts(@alerts); ################################################### # Show the hand ################################################### print "
\n"; unless ($scoremeth =~ /Lead/) { print "What is your call as South holding\:\n"; } else { print "What is your opening lead\:
\n"; } print "

\n"; ##################################################### # Print the Hand. ##################################################### ($spades, $hearts, $diamonds, $clubs) = split /,/, $hand; print "\n", "$spades \n", "$hearts \n", "$diamonds \n", "$clubs 
\n", "

\n"; ########################################################## # Add the comments textfield at the bottom of each problem ########################################################## $ZZZ = "comments$probnum"; chomp $form{$ZZZ}; chomp $form{$ZZZ}; print "Comments
\n", "\n"; ########################################################## # Close off the top left cell, start the top right cell (The bidding box), and start # the nested table. ########################################################## print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; # Split up the last call # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $lastcalllevel = substr ($lastcall, 0, 1); $lastcalldenom = LastCallDenom (substr ($lastcall, 1, 1)); # Now generate the bidding box with the appropriate calls greyed out # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- for ($strain=1; $strain<=5; $strain++) { print ""; for ($level=1; $level <= 7; $level++) { if ($level < $lastcalllevel) { $disabled = "disabled"; $bgcolor = "lightslategray"; } elsif ( ($strain <= $lastcalldenom) && ($level == $lastcalllevel) ) { $disabled = "disabled"; $bgcolor = "lightslategray"; } else { $disabled = ""; $bgcolor = "bisque"; } # Change the strain from a number to a letter # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- local $strainletter = StrainLetter ($strain); local $suitcolor = SuitColor ($strain); $ZZZ = "bid$probnum"; print "\n"; } print "\n"; } # Post background colors for Double and Redouble # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($maydouble eq "") {$doublebg = "bisque";} else {$doublebg = "lightslategray";} if ($mayredouble eq "") {$redoublebg = "bisque";} else {$redoublebg = "lightslategray";} #################################################### # Add the Pass, Double, Redouble, and XX options. Add the error # message if this field wasn't entered on the previous screen. #################################################### print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n", "
\n", "\n"; print "$level$strainletter
\n", "Pass\n", "DBL\n", "RDBL\n", "XX
\n"; ####################################################### # Finally, print any remaining error msgs. ####################################################### print "

\n"; if ( ($form{Cnt} > 2) && (!($form{$ZZZ}) ) ) { print "    No bid entered.
\n"; $errcnt++; } $ZZZ = "comments$probnum"; if ( ($form{Cnt} > 2) && (length ($form{$ZZZ}) > 320) ) { print "    Comments field too long.
\n"; $errcnt++; } if ( CheckMarkup ( $form{$ZZZ} ) ) { print "    Markup in the Comments field.\n"; $errcnt++; } ####################################################### # Close out the top right cell and then the problem. ####################################################### print "\n"; print "

\n"; } ################################################## # Add in the name, city, email, submit and reset buttons, then end # the FORM. ################################################## $errcnt += HTMLinfo(%form); ############################################ # Enter the final State-of-the-Screen msg. ############################################ if ( $form{Cnt} > 2) { print "
\n", "    \n"; if ( !$days ) { print "Past the cutoff date for this Forum.\n", "
\n"; } elsif ( !$errcnt ) { UpdateCom (%form); print "All OK. Answers Posted.\n", "\n"; } else { print "$errcnt Missing or Invalid Entries.\n", "\n"; } } print <
Return to the District 8 Home Page

THEEND HTMLender(); ############################################################## # Subroutines. ############################################################## use D8subs qw(EditScoreMethod EditColors AsciiMonth EditDealer LastCallDenom StrainLetter SuitColor ShowAlerts DayCnt DaysMonth); use D8html qw(parseform HTMLbanners HTMLinfo HTMLheader HTMLender CheckMarkup CheckEmail emsg errs); use D8scores qw(UpdateCom);