Advancer’s bids: After the opponents preempt and partner bids

After partner makes a direct overcall:  [2H by LHO] - 2S by partner – [Pass by RHO] - ?

After partner makes a jump overcall in a major:  [2H] - 3S - [Pass] - ?

After partner makes a takeout double:  [2H] – DBL - [Pass] - ?

After partner overcalls 3 of their suit (cuebid):  [2H] - 3H - [Pass] - ?

After partner makes a notrump overcall:  [2H] - 2NT – [Pass] - ?


If partner bids or doubles in balancing seat, he may be stretching a bit. It’s wise to have a little extra for your raises of suit bids and responses to takeout doubles.

When evaluating your hand, don’t count points for a queen or jack in the opponent’s suit.

If partner doubles a 4-level preempt, you should usually pass with a balanced hand. Bid at the 5-level only if you have extreme shape (very long suit) or slam-try values (a strong 14+ points).

After the opponents preempt, it’s important to get a plus score. When in doubt, settle for a reasonable contract instead of taking a risk to find a perfect one.

   Copyright  ©  Karen Walker